Know your IV lines
Client: Hutt Valley District Health Board
Services: Campaign design, Identity design, Design communications
Work completed at Ocean Design
IV lines are an essential element of care for patients, however they can associated with a number of complications that can include life-threatening infections. Hutt Valley District Health Board Hospital wanted to increase awareness amongst health professionals about the importance of correct insertion and monitoring of IV lines, especially speaking to patients about how their IV lines feel. They also wanted patients and caregivers to understand the risks associated with IV lines, and help them feel empowered to say if their line didn’t feel right.
Playing on the word IV ‘lines’, Know Your IV Lines is about having the knowledge of the right procedures, the right questions to ask and the right things to say. We armed them with ‘lines’ to help easily remember correct insertion procedure and to encourage conversation with patients.
To keep communications front of mind, tools were created that fit into health professionals everyday routine and were highly visible in wards for patients. Items such as posters, wall decals, badges and flag pens were designed to fit the creative brief.